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Charm of Voice.�Amidst the gay life, the beau�tiful forms, the brilliant colors of an Athenian multi�tude, and an Athenian street, the repulsive features, the unwieldy figure, the naked feet, the rough thread�bare attire of the philosopher Socrates must have excited every sentiment of astonishment and ridicule which strong contrast can produce. It was (so his disciples described it) as if one of the marble satyrs, which sat in grotesque attitudes with pipe or flute in the sculptors' shops of Athens, had left his seat of stone and walked into the plane-tree avenue or the gymnastic colonnade. Gradually the crowd gathered round him. At first he spoke of those plying their trades about him; and they shouted with laughter as he poured forth his homely jokes. But soon the magic
charm of his voice made itself felt. The peculiar sweetness of its tone had an effect which even the thunder of Pericles failed to produce. The laughter ceased�the crowd thickened�the gay youth, whom nothing else could tame, stood transfixed and awe�struck in his presence�there was a solemn thrill in his words, such as his hearers could compare to noth�ing but the mysterious sensation produced by the clash of drum and cymbal in the worship of the great mother of the gods: the head swam�the heart leaped at the sound�tears rushed from their eyes, and they felt that, unless they tore themselves speedily away from that fascinated circle, they should ere long sit down at his feet and grow old in listening to the marvelous music of this second Marsyas.�Athenceum.
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